Tuesday 18 December 2012


"Should homework be abolished in the school system"
                  In the year 2002,Malaysian should not be to abolished in the school system. The meaning of homework can be seen as the of assigning homework is to get your student to practice and strengthen academic skills. By the time to homework, your student  stands a much better chance of making good reputation. But homework has other important values. Homework is the child's responsibility. If the student get a homework from their teacher they never finish the homework. The parents must to support their student to make her homework so their student to be strong for to do the homework. The homework can make to a student feeling to boring.  Homework as we all know is work that is done at home.  After that school is finished, the teacher sets an the homework  is to be done at home. It is 
usually due the next day. Homework is given so that the student gets to our learn with 
the subject.  Many student  hate to make homework because the teacher always to give her many homework to student. The first problem with homework is that it takes away a student leisure time . Other than student to do lot anything of things as playing and more. In the collages and university system education is not same with school system.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

My Interest

                                                   ....mY iNtErEsT....
This is my cuties blogger...my writing from voice.. I can also post anything at my blog...Back to my title i can talk about my own interesting..

On as a student has an interest of its own .. with its own interests it would be known by other people .... I also have my own unique interests so loved to hang out with my friends in the matter who .. I also love to do someone .. hehehehehehe :)

Besides that also a person of interest is not the same with others ... all those different interests .. so we can share different interests with someone .. I love the fine arts and painting .. I like play of colors in a painting .. I love drawing the most beautiful view and natural ... in this diverse UiTM i learned from the beginning of the semester until now ..

In UiTM students are free to choose the area of ​​interest .. various costs that are offered to the students to choose the area of ​​interest ... I am very interest in the field of art and design ..That's why I chose this field ... my interest since from school again .. at school I learned to make batik .. make batik was fun ..