Tuesday 22 January 2013

ImPaCt Of AdVeRtiSeMeNtS

Topic: ChiLdren sEe chiLdren dO....
  1. Summarise, what is the above advertisement about?
  2. The advertisement is targeted to who?
  3. Does the advertisement manage to convey a positive or a negative impact to the viewers? Please explain. Why? or Why not?
  4. If you could, what are the elements that you would change in the advertisement. Please elaborate.
               The advertisement about children see children do as a mature person should be showing good character or conduct to your child.The parents do not take easly about your child because the child is a great responsibility for us to educate them us. That the child will follow the parent what they do and can give bad impression to children. The advertisement will to give a targeted to children because children easily fooled. That the advertisement to convey a impact positive or a negative  to the viewers. When children are watching the advertisement, it will have impact negative because they do not know how else to different between good and bad. The parent would then provided impact positive because they be adults from the children. If  I make the advertisement , I will make the right advertisements for about association friend partners. It will provide a boost to them. In the advertisement I will themed musical soul enter adolescence.The advertisement also I enter the colourful for the children can give good impact.

Topic: HeAvEn cAn wAiT......

  1. In your own words, summarise, what is the advertisement about?
  2. The advertisement is targeted to who?
  3. Does the advertisement manage to convey a positive or a negative impact to the viewers? Please explain. Why? or Why not?
  4. If you could, what are the elements that you would change in the advertisement. Please elaborate.
             The advertising is a partnership to be disseminated to the public to know of the world at all times .that spirit can come out the body that are not wearing the beltas a wearing belt could not leave his body.That the advertisement is targeted to other people. the advertisement can give negative impact to teenagers and adults. The advertisement  is important our safety yourself. The elements can change in the advertisement is road safety campaign.

aDDiTioNaL QuesTiOn...

  • In your own words, what is advertisement?
  • Is advertising a good or a bad thing?
  • Do you think you are easily persuaded to buy things after seeing or hearing an ad?
  • What adverts have you seen or heard that you particularly liked? why? 
         The advertisement tell about to know of the world times and to persuade to person give effect for advertisement. The advertising always sometimes good and sometimes not god to your children. To that advertising not effect to our person. That not all will be easily persuaded to buy things after watching the ad. they will know in advance all the advertised goods right. They will ensure the bad and the good stuff for to buy. The advertisement i see or hear not interest me to like .That some person like to advertisement .

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